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Personality development essay

Personality development essay

personality development essay

The biological approach to personality has also identified areas and pathways within the brain that are associated with the development of personality. A number of theorists, such as Hans Eysenck, Gordon Allport, and Raymond Cattell, believe that personality traits can be traced back to brain structures and neural mechanisms, such as dopamine Some hereditary factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of interactions with the particular social environment in which people live. For instance, your genetically inherited physical and mental capabilities have an impact on how others see you, and how you see yourself Jun 05,  · The Eco-Friendly Living And Sustainable Development essay , , , , words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more

Communication Skills and Personality Development

Human development is a very complex process and no single theory can be sufficient enough to explain these processes. This paper focuses on various theories that attempt to explain the development processes and factors that influence them.

The study explores different theories of motor development, their pros and cons. The two cognitive theories are compared and contrasted citing some of their impact on the provision and practice used in working with children in the early years.

These theories demonstrate that human development is a gradual but progressive process that occurs in stages. Human development varied and extremely complex process, personality development essay. Therefore, no single theory can manage to explain human development exhaustively as a result of personality development essay complexity.

Each theory tries to explain a personality development essay range of development and this is the reason why particular areas of development often have cutthroat theoretical views, each attempting to explain the same facet of development Barnes Theories of human development are an array of ideas that are based on scientific proofs and efforts to explain and predict individual behaviours and development.

From this definition it is very clear that theories attempts to provide vivid explanation from a messy mass of information Neaum Theories of development are categorized into minor and major theories, personality development essay.

Minor theories of development deals with specific area of development; on the other hand major theories are the category that attempts to explain wider area of development. Some of the major theories of development include motor development, personality development essay, Cognitive development, Social cognitive development, evolution and ethology, personality development essay, psychoanalytic theories and humanistic theory Neaum One of the major milestones in the development of infants is the achievement of various motor developments, personality development essay.

The development of motor skills has a major impact on other facets of development. Cohen Nevertheless, the common impression of a new born baby is one of uncoordinated lack of ability and overall weakness. Movement of their body reveals weakness in the muscles and deficiency in coordination, and takes a number of personality development essay before the baby can lift their head in an appropriate posture.

A child develops various motor skills progressively with time. These skills are attained by a child within a considerable age bracket for example some children start moving with their hands by 5 months while others as late as 12 months. The pioneer of maturational theories is a psychologist by the name Arnold Gesell who studied motor activity of infants up to the age of nine Thomas Gesell concluded that motor development takes place personality development essay two directions.

The first direction is known as the cephalocaudal trend and begins from the upper part of the body to the lower parts. He stated that movement starts from the head, to the arms and trunk, then finally to the legs. The subsequent direction is the proximodistal motor trend. This begins from the centre of the body outwards to the peripheral parts. In other words head, personality development essay, trunk and the pelvic girdle gain impulses before the limbs and their joints.

The above two direction of motor development, fronted Gesell to the opinion that maturation solely shapes the motor development, personality development essay.

McGraw personality development essay a research on identity twins and established that training accelerated motor development, personality development essay.

First, the fact that the development of motor skills exhibit gradual but personality development essay behaviour does personality development essay necessarily mean it is a genetic characteristic.

This can be proven by professional skills which are acquired gradually from simple practice to a personality development essay level, but there is no evidence to suggest any links to genetics.

Maturational theory does not elaborate why disparity exists among individuals in attaining motor abilities Thomas The shortcomings of the maturational theories led to the development of dynamic systems theory.

The dynamic system theory holds the opinion that infants develop skills in diverse ways. Dynamic system theory ties motor development to a vibrant and advanced interaction of three key factors- growth of the nervous system, personality development essay, body abilities, and environmental constraints and sustainability.

In spite of the criticism of the maturational theories, experts have demonstrated that motor skills are acquired both at early infancy age and throughout life.

According to Piaget, children shape their own development. Piaget stated that children learn to adjust to their surrounding and because of the cognitive adaptations they gain the capacity to understand their environment. Adaptation is common to all living things and children are not left out.

Children continually build more advanced understandings of their environment Broadhead Piaget asserts that for a child to acclimatize to a particular surrounding, two important processes are necessary; assimilation and accommodation.

Assimilation entails treating everything around as if they are familiar. For instance infants always put everything they are given in their mouth since the only activity the acquitted to is suckling, personality development essay.

They also treat everybody they meet in the same manner White Similar situation applies when a child meets new people; she has to adjust her way of thinking to understand the new person, personality development essay.

Accommodation and assimilation takes place personality development essay the infancy stage and the instances above shows how accommodation and assimilation can take place simultaneously Saxton However, cognitive structures changes to enable the infant acclimatise to the new challenges a head.

Miller Piaget categorized four stages of human development, each with distinctive characteristics. Sensorimotor stage occurs from delivery to about 2 years. It is the most remarkable and dramatic stage of development. A child is transformed from a helpless new born baby to the thinking and knowing baby cognitive individual.

Pre-operational stage takes over from the sensorimotor period up to seven years. A child at this stage is capable of solving practical problems by use of tools intelligently and by support of the adult members.

The child is also capable of communicating and representing information and thoughts through symbols, personality development essay. Children at this stage are egocentric and have illogical way of thinking Thomas Concrete operational stage occurs between seven to eleven years.

One of the main characteristic of this stage is centration. A child tends to focus more on one facet of a situation leaving out others. Last but not the least is the operational stage which occurs at eleven years. At this stage a child is capable of solving problems related to the physical world, but the only constraint here is to do with the sphere of potential.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky lived in the same era as Piaget. For example, children initially use language at a competently during social interactions; later on they internalize and rearrange it. Daniels At every stage of human development the child possesses a specific threshold of information, a transitional optimum.

After the transitional optimum is the zone of proximal development. This zone contains problems and information that are very difficult for a child to understand or solve. This zone, can nevertheless, personality development essay, be examined and comprehended with the help of a knowledgeable peer or adult.

However, these stages were told apart by different styles of thinking. Piaget was the first to classify child reasoning and thinking at various stages of life. Piaget believed that children progressed through four characteristic stages explained above.

He also speculated on adaptation, and development Barnes These processes are adaptation, accommodation, and symmetrical balance. Assimilation personality development essay entails the incorporation of fresh ideas into the already existing cognitive structure.

Accommodation on the other hand entails adjustment made to the mental structures to accommodate the incorporated ideas. Lastly, equilibrium entails finding the balance between self and the surrounding, between accommodation and assimilation. When a child experiences a novel idea, a state of imbalance arises until she is able to assimilate and accommodate the idea.

Assimilation and accommodation enables a child to form a cognitive structure also personality development essay as schema, and with each stage of development comes new ways of organizing knowledge with the attainment of new cognitive structure. A child learns personality development essay assimilating new ideas or by integrating the already existing ones to generate bigger ideas Saxton ; Thomas Vygotsky also claimed that language- personality development essay as a human social and psychosomatic process is natured by cultural tools.

According to Vygotsky, a child learns cultural elements and tools through socialization, personality development essay. These comprised of languages, set of laws, art, music among others. He classified the task of solving a problem as those that can be solved without help, those that requires help and those that can not be performed even with help.

He believed the notion of Zone of Proximal Development suggested an improved shift in the direction of learning and enhanced understanding of the educational process White ; Thomas The idea of Zone of Proximal Development paved way for other new ideas such as scaffolding. Personality development essay is synonymous to the scaffolding in the building and construction and is only used temporarily.

Piaget believed that the order in which children experienced the various stages of development was universal, but recognized that the tempo at which each child went through these stages was flexible and relied upon other factors, personality development essay. These factors included maturity, surrounding, personality development essay, influence from the society among other factors.

Since different skills are required at each stage of development, Piaget believed that children should not be coerced into learning or gaining knowledge until the child was prepared cognitively. Piaget had more faith in the development of thinking and that language was transferred from an individual to the society. Vygotsky on the other hand believed that individuals acquired language from the society Thomas According to Vygotsky, language moved from the societal domain to an individual level.

Vygotsky believed that children begins by expressing their own discourse and then transform to the language of the society. This became internalized as the personality development essay grew to adulthood, personality development essay. Even though the both disagreed on the purpose of egocentric speech, they both concurred on its significance to personality development essay development Neaum Piaget and Vyygotsky believed the rapport between a person and the society as very important.

However, Vygotsky believed that adults and peers were the one who had the greatest responsibility of imparting their great knowledge to the young generation. He also believed that a child was not capable of developing without learning from other people within his or her surrounding Cohen Piaget upheld the opinion that children were naturally inquisitive about their individual abilities and their surrounding and that they improved their knowledge as a result of their biologically controlled cognitive changes, personality development essay.

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personality development essay

Human Development And Identity Development Words | 7 Pages. aspects of human development and behavior; personality and identity. I will then demonstrate an understanding of two psychological theories which can help understand influences on personality and identity development Jan 24,  · We will write a custom Essay on Theories of Human Development specifically for you for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Theories of Personality Nature v/s Nurture in Human behaviour development Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by Personality is defined as the characteristic sets of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. While there is no generally agreed upon definition of personality, most theories focus on motivation and psychological interactions with one's environment. Trait-based personality theories, such as those defined by Raymond Cattell, define

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