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Essays org

Essays org

essays org

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Essays by Year Essays by Topic. Receive new essays, recordings, and information about events. The newsletter is prepared by us and delivered via email. Amazon Publisher Direct Indiebound German printed edition. An audio version of this book is available on this page. org IndieBound German Spanish Turkish. English and additional languages. If you do not have an account already, please click here essays org create a new account. Enter the email you used when you created your account.

Enter your password. Remember Me. Amazon Publisher Direct IndieBook. English Polish. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might weave from them? Covid is essays org us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomenally essays org change is possible. A few months ago, a proposal to halt commercial air travel would have seemed preposterous. Likewise for the radical changes we are making in our social behavior, economy, and the role of government in our lives.

Covid demonstrates the power of our collective essays org when we agree on what is important. What else might we achieve, essays org, in coherency? What do we want to achieve, and what world shall we create? That is always the next question when anyone awakens to their power. Covid is essays org a rehab intervention that breaks the addictive hold of essays org. To interrupt a habit is to make it visible; it is to turn it from a compulsion to a choice.

We might ask, after so many have lost their jobs, whether all of them are the jobs the world most essays org, and whether our labor and creativity would be better applied elsewhere. We might ask, having done without it for a while, whether essays org really need so much air travel, essays org, Disneyworld vacations, or trade shows.

What parts of the economy will we want to restore, and what parts might we choose to let go of? Essays org on a darker note, what among the things that are being taken away right now — civil liberties, freedom of assembly, sovereignty over our bodies, in-person gatherings, hugs, handshakes, and public life — might we need to exert intentional political and personal will to restore?

For most of my life, I have had the feeling that humanity was nearing a crossroads, essays org. Imagine walking a road, and up ahead you see it, you see the crossroads.

Cresting the hill, you see you were mistaken, it was a mirage, it was farther away than you thought. You keep walking. Sometimes it comes into view, sometimes it disappears from sight and it seems like this road goes on forever. No, there it is again!

Always it is almost essays org. Never is it here, essays org. Now, all of a sudden, we go around a bend and here it is. We stop, hardly able to believe that now it is happening, hardly able to believe, after years of confinement to the road of our predecessors, that now we finally have a choice, essays org. We essays org right to stop, stunned at the newness of our situation.

Some lead to hell on earth. And some lead to a world more healed and more beautiful than we ever dared believe to be possible. I write these words with the aim of standing here with you — bewildered, scared maybe, yet also with a sense of new possibility — at this point of diverging paths. Let us gaze down some of them and see where they lead. I heard this story last week from a friend. She was in a grocery store and saw a woman sobbing in the aisle.

Flouting social distancing rules, she went to the woman and gave her a hug, essays org. Going without hugs for a few weeks seems a small price to pay if it will stem an epidemic that could take millions of lives. There is a strong argument for social essays org in the near term: to prevent a sudden surge of Covid cases from overwhelming the medical system, essays org.

I would like to put that argument in a larger essays org, especially as we look to the long term, essays org. Lest we institutionalize distancing and reengineer society around it, let us be aware of what choice we are making and why. The same essays org for the other changes happening around the coronavirus epidemic.

Some commentators have observed how it plays neatly into an agenda of totalitarian control. Many of these were underway before Covid; since its advent, they have been irresistible. The same goes for the automation of commerce; the transition from participation in sports and entertainment to remote viewing; the migration of life from public to private spaces; the transition away from place-based schools toward online education, the decline of brick-and-mortar stores, and the movement of human work and leisure onto screens.

Covid is accelerating preexisting trends, political, economic, and social. Since the threat of infectious disease, like the threat of terrorism, never goes away, control measures can easily become permanent. If we were going in this direction anyway, the current justification must be part of a deeper impulse. I will analyze this impulse in two parts: the reflex of control, and the war on death.

Thus understood, essays org, an initiatory opportunity emerges, one that we are seeing already in the essays org of the solidarity, essays org, compassion, and care that Covid has inspired.

At the current writing, official statistics say that about 25, people have died from Covid By the time it runs its course, essays org, the death toll could be ten times or a hundred times bigger, or even, if the most alarming guesses are right, essays org, a thousand times bigger.

Each one of these people has essays org ones, family and friends. Compassion and conscience call us to do what we can to avert unnecessary tragedy. This is personal for me: my own infinitely dear but frail mother is among the most vulnerable to a disease that kills mostly the aged and the infirm. What will the final numbers be? That question is impossible to answer at the time of this writing. Early reports were alarming; for weeks the official number from Wuhan, circulated endlessly in the media, was a shocking 3.

That, coupled with its highly contagious nature, pointed to tens of millions of deaths worldwide, or even as many as million. More recently, estimates have plunged as it has become apparent that most cases are mild or asymptomatic, essays org. Since testing has been skewed towards the seriously ill, the death rate has looked artificially high. In Germanywhose testing also extends to many with mild symptoms, the fatality essays org is 0. The story of the Diamond Princess cruise ship bolsters this view.

A cruise ship is a perfect setting for contagion, and there was plenty of time for the virus to spread on board before anyone did anything about it, essays org, yet only a fifth were infected.

A research team concluded from the large number of asymptomatic cases that the true fatality rate in China is around 0. That is still five times higher than flu. Based on the above and adjusting for much younger demographics in Africa and South and Southeast Asia my guess is about , deaths in the US — more if the medical essays org is overwhelmed, less if infections are spread out over time — and 3 million globally.

Those are serious numbers. My guesses could easily be off by an order of magnitude. Every day the media reports the total number of Covid cases, but no one has essays org idea what the true number is, because only a tiny proportion of the population has been tested, essays org. Essays org tens of millions have the virus, asymptomatically, we would not know it.

And see here for even more alarming uncertainties about test accuracy. Let me repeat: no one knows what is really happening, including me. Let us be aware of two contradictory tendencies in human affairs.

The second is denial, the irrational rejection of information that might disrupt normalcy and comfort. As Daniel Schmactenberger asksHow do you know what you believe is true? If the final death tally, which will itself be the subject of dispute, is lower than feared, some will say that is because the controls worked. To me, the most baffling puzzle is why at the present writing there seem essays org be no new cases in China. It should have spread widely during Chinese New Year, when every plane, essays org, train, and bus is packed with people traveling all over the country.

What is going on here? Bear with me. Last year, according to the FAOfive million children worldwide died of hunger among million who are stunted and 51 million who are wasted. That is times more people than have died so far from Covid, yet no government has declared a state of emergency or asked that we radically alter our way of life to save them.

Nor do we see a comparable level of alarm and action around suicide — the mere tip of an iceberg of despair and depression — which kills over a million people a year globally and 50, in the USA. Or drug overdoses, essays org, which kill 70, in the USA, essays org, the autoimmunity epidemic, which affects Why, for that matter, are we not in a frenzy about averting nuclear armageddon or ecological collapse, but, to the contrary, essays org, pursue essays org that magnify those very dangers?

It is the contrary: If we essays org change so radically for Covid, we can do it for these other conditions too. Let us ask why are we able to unify our collective will to stem this virus, but not to address other grave threats to humanity. Why, essays org, until now, has society been so frozen in its existing trajectory? The answer is revealing, essays org.

Simply, in the face of world hunger, addiction, essays org, suicide, or ecological collapse, we as a society do not know what to do, essays org.

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Essay writing is a long and stressful process for students – but not for professional authors. Their expertise allows finishing compositions promptly and by the requested target date. If you need your essay in a couple of hours, you will most certainly have it! At the current writing, official statistics say that about 25, people have died from Covid By the time it runs its course, the death toll could be ten times or a hundred times bigger, or even, if the most alarming guesses are right, a thousand times bigger. Each one The purpose of these essays, which have been approved by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has been to gather accurate information from many different sources and publications and place it in the Gospel Topics section of, where the material can more easily be accessed and studied by Church

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